A.I.A.G.A., Learning Centre


Episodio 1 – Quanti fornitori? Quali aree di miglioramento? GR ADVISORY, A.I.A.G.A.

A.I.A.G.A., Comunicati Stampa, Learning Centre, News


Stiamo raccogliendo l’opinione dei Fleet Manager per approfondire l'impatto delle nuove

Corsi, Eventi, Learning Centre, Training

Io Fleet Manager, la penso così GREEN FLEET: è arrivato il momento

Ti invita a partecipare a un sondaggio per approfondire i temi delle flotte sostenibili

Corsi, Eventi, Learning Centre, Training

Cambiare, elettrificare, ottimizzare. La strategia vincente per una flotta sostenibile

Ti invita a partecipare al Webinar riservato ai fleet manager Cambiare, elettrificare, ottimizzare.

Corsi, Eventi, Learning Centre, Training

Professione Fleet Manager: L’ora dei numeri

60 minuti per vedere e ascoltare i risultati del primo sondaggio "Io Fleet Manager".

A.I.A.G.A., Corsi, Eventi, Learning Centre, Senza categoria, Training

La gestione delle flotte smart: quadro applicativo e benefici ottenibili

L’Osservatorio nasce nel 2019 per rispondere al crescente interesse di aziende pubbliche e

A.I.A.G.A., Eventi, Learning Centre

AIAGA patrocina la 15^ edizione del Fleet Manager Academy

È stata rinviata al 2 dicembre Fleet Manager Academy Bologna 2020, l’evento dedicato ai fleet

Corsi, Learning Centre, Training

A.I.A.G.A. Partner del Master di Sole24 Ore

A.I.A.G.A. Partner del Master di Sole24 Ore Gestione e Strategia d’Impresa Specializzazione

Forum, Learning Centre

Going green. Share thoughts and best practices related to “green cars” in your fleet.

Martin Demers, Chief Executive Office of FleetMind, said: “Green fleets are not only more

Forum, Learning Centre

Are telematics changing driver behaviour in a sustenaible manner?

In the efforts to reduce road accidents and insurance claims, car insurance companies are

Forum, Learning Centre

What are the main fleet trends that will impact on the international fleet management in 2015?

According to analysts, in 2015 Car Manufacturers will forcefully press on the segment of the

Learning Centre, Media

The main factors that determine the TCO (total cost of ownerhsip)

Professor Angelo Paletta analyzes the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) as a fleet management

Learning Centre, Media

The top traits of a great fleet manager

What traits and skill sets are necessary to become a great fleet manager? Let’s find out

Learning Centre, Media

The Fleet Manager as an investment centre

The fleet manager is traditionally considered a cost centre, but he can become a veritable